
F&LC is a major undertaking that relies on the hard-working hands of our capable and generous volunteers.  We are able to offer a fantastical, mythical time because of their efforts. Do you have what it takes to be one of the important people who helps F&LC run smoothly? If yes, please contact [email protected] to let us know you’re interested. 


In short: an excellent person who is willing to dedicate their personal time to help with F&LC. It takes a special kind of person to help bring joy to their fellow gaming enthusiasts and we’re grateful for those people and the assistance they bring.

As you interact with all the adventurers who attend to this glorious event, you will be part of the group that makes their adventures memorable. Volunteers will be assigned to different areas and given important tasks that will help everyone have a great experience. Here are the perks:

  • F&LC volunteer hours will count toward Gary Con volunteer incentives. You may look at the Gary Con volunteer rewards at this volunteer webpage!

Tentatively, the F&LC volunteer schedule shall be populated in December/January. Since we’re a newer convention, we may not be as on-schedule as anticipated. Since this may be the case, we encourage you to regularly check our social media posts for announcements and our e-mailed newsletters with updates.

We hope you will pitch in and lend a hand. Thank you for considering joining the F&LC volunteer team!